KONZI has a name, sound, and look that inspires curiosity. A sound with a familiar flavor, but a bold yet humble energy. They have the ability to unite people and musical tastes on all fronts. 

What distinguishes KONZI from other bands is their ability to rise to unparalleled energy, and simultaneously give you a soft place to fall within minutes. a BOLDNESS that demands attention without being harsh, with curve in design. 

KONZI drives SINCERITY on an open road with an open heart into the world with its sound. 

KONZI projects itself in to the oscillations of life; moments of utter freedom and moments of doubt that are placed in conversation with gritty textures of reality. A battle cry. An introspective love. A deep breath in a moment of PEACE. 

KONZI's tone often lies in the beauty of OPTIMISM and FREEDOM with a HUMILITY that welcomes all. A new hope that can be born of even the most rotten fruit. To remember that no matter the situation, there are always more reasons to celebrate, especially if you've surrounded yourself with people who truly have your best interest at heart.